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Platform Utils

import * as ee_x from '@senspark/ee';

// Checks whether the specified application is installed.
const applicationId = '';
const isInstalled = ee_x.Platform.isApplicationInstalled(applicationId);

// Attempts to open the specified application.
const applicationId = '';

// Gets the current application information.
const applicationId = ee_x.Platform.getApplicationId();
const applicationName = ee_x.Platform.getApplicationName();
const versinName = ee_x.Platform.getVersionName();
const versionCode = ee_x.Platform.getVersionCode();

// Gets the SHA1 signature (Android only).
const signature = ee_x.Platform.getSha1Signature();

// Gets activity (Android) or view (iOS) size in pixels.
const [width, height] = ee_x.Platform.getViewSize();

// Gets the full screen size in pixels (including bars).
const [width, height] = ee_x.Platform.getScreenSize();

// Gets the unique ID for the current device.
ee_x.Utils.noAwait(async () => {
    const deviceId = await ee_x.Platform.getDeviceId();

// Composes and send an email.
ee_x.Platform.sendMail("", "ee-x test app", "Hello, ");

// Checks the current internet connection.
ee_x.Utils.noAwait(async () => {
    const isAvailable = await ee_x.Platform.testConnection("", 1.0);

Other Utils

import * as ee_x from '@senspark/ee-x';

// Runs an async action inside a synced action.
ee_x.Utils.noAwait(async () => {
    await ee_x.Utils.delay(1.0);